Burnley: 01282 426666 Blackburn: 01254 913203 Preston: 01772 203000


Following the breakdown of a relationship there are often financial implications to consider and our Divorce and Family Solicitors can offer you advice as to how finances and assets such as savings, investments, pensions, property and liabilities for debts, should be dealt with depending on the specific circumstances of your case.

We offer practical legal advice to help you to protect your finances and secure your future with a fair financial settlement through negotiation and mediation to help you to get a quick resolution. If a financial settlement cannot be agreed through negotiation or mediation, we can support you in court to achieve the best possible outcome for you.


  • Advice on resolving financial aspects of a marriage/relationship breakdown
  • Advice on maintenance and child support
  • Lump sum and property transfer applications
  • Transfer of equity and release from mortgage
  • Pension implications
  • Child support through further and higher education
divorce and family law solicitors

Our Divorce and Family Law Solicitors also offer advice on maintenance payments for you and your children, lump sum and property transfer applications.

Our Divorce and Family Law Solicitors are members of Resolution and follow a Code of Practice that promotes a constructive and non-confrontational approach to family problems.

If you would like a consultation with one of our Divorce and Family Law Solicitors, please contact us at Burnley 01282 426666, Blackburn 01254 913203 or Preston 01772 203000 or complete the contact form online and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn