Burnley: 01282 426666 Blackburn: 01254 913203 Preston: 01772 203000


  • Common sense and sensitive approach to all matters involving children
  • Negotiating residence and contact arrangements
  • Advice on shared responsibility and joint residence
  • Advice to grandparents and extended family members on contact
  • Referrals to mediation where appropriate
  • Commitment to client care and achieving best outcome in cases that result in Court proceedings
childrens solicitor burnley

If you would like a consultation with one of our Solicitors specialising in Children's matters, please contact us at Burnley 01282 426666, Blackburn 01254 913203 or Preston 01772 203000 or complete the contact form online and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn