Burnley: 01282 426666 Blackburn: 01254 913203 Preston: 01772 203000

24 Hour Police Station

We have an experienced and dedicated team who provide free and independent legal advice at the Police Station for anyone who has been arrested or who have to attend the Police Station for an interview under caution as a voluntary attendee.

We offer 24 hours a day cover every day of the year and a member of our team will be ready to offer free legal advice and assistance throughout the Police Station process at any time of the day or night.

We have a 24 hour contact number, 07790 310222, which is answered by one of our team who are trained, qualified and able to give advice regarding any criminal matter.

24 hour police station solicitors burnley

We understand that being arrested can be a stressful time and we aim to offer free legal advice regardless of your income status and help guide you through any attendance at the Police Station.

Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn
Solicitors Burnley and Blackburn